
Sam Forget

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A food rule I can get behind

I spent Sunday morning coworking with a few new friends in Buenos Aires. In fairly predictable fashion, everybody told me about their diets when I said what I do for work. (Fun fact: some coaches lie about their profession at weddings and parties so they don't have to talk about keto at a bar!) I mention this all in good fun, of course. One gentleman actually told me about a food rule he has that helps him stay lean. Normally, I don't love food "rules"—but this is a rare one I can get behind:...

I hear this at least a few times per week. Especially from people in their 40's, 50's, and 60's. People (understandably) think their metabolism shits the bed when they get older, because that myth has been parroted for decades. But that's all it is: a myth. This is where people typically grab their pitchforks and point out my age—29—but I kindly ask that you don't shoot the messenger. Nothing I say here is a hot take or an opinion. There's a massive body of research that shows our metabolism...

Earlier this week, I told you about "MIDMs," and how they impact client results. (If you missed it, "MIDMs" are just meals you're not personally making. Here's how to navigate them.) I also briefly touched upon other "X Factors": the data points I have all my clients track. Like I said then, they vary at least a little client to client—but these are the most common ones, and what success usually requires: Wake-ups and bedtimes. 7+ hours is ideal for most people, along with as many...

All my clients track what I call "X Factors." They vary at least slightly client to client, but generally include: Sleep windows Morning weigh-ins Calories, protein, and fiber Hunger levels Step counts Drinks per week There's also an X Factor called "MIDM," which stands for "meals I didn't make." (Restaurant meals, take-out, anything your partner made, etc.) A high weekly total—above 3-4—isn't inherently "bad." But it can be pretty eye-opening and insightful if you're struggling to make...

I get emails like this almost every week: "I feel shocked that I've been eating like I have and maintaining in the 170s for the most part. It's amazing!" Or this: "I am eating SO much with this new range. And what is even weirder is the scale going down more than it ever did when I was in a deficit?!" Clients are routinely shocked by how much they can eat while maintaining or even LOSING weight. But here's the thing... When we talk about "eating a lot," this can mean one of two things: The...

A 5K is 3.1 miles. Imagine running hard for the first 2.66 miles... Then half-assing the last .44. Would you then be pissed with your time? Or that you didn't set a PR? Of course not. That's too much of the race to half-ass to have even moderately high expectations. Wouldn't you agree? If so... Why do you keep half-assing your Sundays while dieting? Then getting mad you're not moving the needle? Common examples: Meal planning all week... winging Sundays* Only tracking parts of the day Logging...

I'm currently learning Spanish by: Taking private lessons Watching fairly elementary videos I can actually understand Taking a stab at real world conversations Using the Babbel app Let's briefly talk about the app. You can review vocab and phrases by speaking, listening, writing, or using flash cards. But since the flash cards are digital... the app relies on the honor system after you flip the card: "Did you get this question right?" If my primary goal was just getting the best possible...

Almost a year ago now, I helped my buddy Adam Martin host a wellness retreat in Noosa, Australia. Me, Adam, and my now good friend Tom Lerardo: a wiz with manual therapy Since then, we've stayed in touch via a WhatsApp group chat: one of the only group chats I haven't muted notifications on. (Did I say that? Whoops.) The conversations range from life (most typical), to roasting each other... to health and fitness. I suppose that's inevitable for three fit pros with 52 years combined...

How damn good does this look? A quick breakdown: Scrambled eggs (healthy fats and some protein) Avocado toast with tomatoes (more healthy fats, vitamin C, and an ideal carb for a workout) An orange, peach, and carrot smoothie (chock-full of more micronutrients) Pretty damn solid, huh? It depends. What's your goal for the day? If you're just trying to eat as healthy as possible, I'm a fan: Mostly single ingredient, nutrient-dense foods Nearly 30 grams of protein About 15 grams of fiber If your...

I'm not eager to admit this... But I took ~10 days off from practicing Spanish last month. (In case you missed it, I moved to Buenos Aires back in May. So 10 days off is inexcusable right now, and quite literally detrimental to my day-to-day.) Yes, I had some travel. Yes, I interact with people in Spanglish every day. But no matter how I spin it... dedicated practice is a MUST. So what gives? Why'd I blow it off for a week and half? Well, here's the part I'm not eager to admit... Instead of...