X Factors

Earlier this week, I told you about "MIDMs," and how they impact client results.

(If you missed it, "MIDMs" are just meals you're not personally making. Here's how to navigate them.)

I also briefly touched upon other "X Factors": the data points I have all my clients track.

Like I said then, they vary at least a little client to client—but these are the most common ones, and what success usually requires:

  1. Wake-ups and bedtimes. 7+ hours is ideal for most people, along with as many PRE-midnight hours as possible. This helps you lose weight faster, maintain more muscle, deal with less hunger, and more
  2. Morning weigh-ins. I don't actually care about these—just their weekly averages over 3-4+ week timeframes. But if the scale stresses you out: only weighing in sometimes is generally a terrible idea that'll just make the stress worse
  3. Calories, protein, and fiber—for a total of 21 total nutritional targets per week. Clients who crush routinely hit 17-18 out of 21 total targets: ~80-85% consistent. Clients who struggle settle for 11-16 targets—52-76% consistent—much more often
  4. MIDMs. If somebody routinely eats out 3-4+ times per week, success is undoubtedly harder to come by. Though it is still possible if you stay on top of the focal points from Monday's email
  5. Drinks. Not many people can overcome drinking more than 1-2 days per week, or having more than ~5-6 drinks per week. There are simply too many costs (metabolically, digestively, sleep-wise, etc.)
  6. Hunger levels. I don't just care if clients are hitting their targets. I care if they're having to white-knuckle their way through the week to do it. That's why if I see high hunger ratings, we hone in on meal timing, food choices, and more
  7. Steps. I like pretty much every client to get to 7,000-8,000+. 10,000+ is icing on the cake. This actually makes a bigger metabolic difference than any "HIIT" workout ever will

To recap what's generally ideal:

  • 7+ hours of high quality sleep per night (as early as possible)
  • A gradual downward trend in bodyweight average (.5+ pounds per week is very solid)
  • 17+ out of 21 total nutritional targets per week
  • No more than ~3-4 meals out per week
  • No more than ~5-6 total drinks per week
  • No more than moderate hunger most days (intense hunger is a ticking time bomb)
  • 7,000-8,000+ steps per day

Which of these are you currently nailing?

Which of these gives you trouble?

I genuinely want to know, so I can help you out.

12+ years and several hundred clients later... I have resources for quite literally anything you can think of.

So hit 'reply' and put me to work!


P.S. Seriously: that's why this private email list even exists! So I can be as helpful as possible to you. So hit 'reply,' and let me know how you're doing.

Sam Forget

I send powerful lessons, stories, and no-BS transformation tips to my private email list 1-2 times per week. Subscribe here to begin your OWN transformation:

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