The opportunity to cheat

I'm currently learning Spanish by:

  • Taking private lessons
  • Watching fairly elementary videos I can actually understand
  • Taking a stab at real world conversations
  • Using the Babbel app

Let's briefly talk about the app.

You can review vocab and phrases by speaking, listening, writing, or using flash cards.

But since the flash cards are digital... the app relies on the honor system after you flip the card:

"Did you get this question right?"

If my primary goal was just getting the best possible scores... I'd hit 'yes' and move on to the next card. But it's not. My primary goal is learning Spanish.

So I hit 'no.'

Sometimes several times in a row.

It's not fun, but like our elementary school teachers told us: I'd just be cheating myself otherwise.

The same goes for the way you track your food. Is your primary goal just hitting your targets on paper?

And being able to say you're consistent?

Or is your primary goal getting results?

If it's the latter...

  • You can't keep eyeballing your portions
  • You can't keep choosing super generous entries for meals out (virtually no restaurant meal has under 800-1,000+ calories)
  • You can't keep leaving snacks, bites, sips, and tastes out of your log

Because although a little fudging may allow for better "scores" in MyFitnessPal—just like on Babbel—what on EARTH is the point if you're not getting results?


You're just cheating yourself.


P.S. 95% of fat loss "plateaus" don't go any deeper than this checklist. Don't do yourself the disservice of thinking you're in the 5%. Instead, plug the leaks and get the results you deserve.

Sam Forget

I send powerful lessons, stories, and no-BS transformation tips to my private email list 1-2 times per week. Subscribe here to begin your OWN transformation:

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